Skilled Migration also referred to as General Skilled Migration (GSM) is made up of independent , nominated and sponsored skilled migration. They are different but they form part of the overall Skilled Migration program. The terminology is confusing however because categories include independent skilled categories as well as employer, family, state and regionally nominated and sponsored categories.
SkillSelect, is the mandatory system designed to meet market demand for skilled labour. The SkillSelect process is initiated by the lodgement of an Expression of Interest (EOI).
The Department of Home Affairs ( DHA) uses the tools below to ’select’ applicants to receive an invitation from the SkillSelect database based upon the following factors:
- Choosing an eligible occupation from the Medium to Long Term Strategic Skill List (MLTSSL) or the Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL ;
- Entry English language ability;
- A positive skill assessment from an authorised assessor; and
- Passing the Points Test (points test pool score is now 65). The DHA is able to manipulate the entry point score generally (for all applications) or for specified in-demand occupations.. The general entry score and scores for selected occupations can vary over the program year.
Selected employers (both state and territory governments and authorities and non-government alike) will also be able to access the SkillSelect database to offer applicants non-points tested temporary skilled employer sponsorship (Temporary Skill Shortage visa program) or permanent employer nomination (Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) SC186 visa or Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (SESR) SC494 visa . Once selected the visa application procedure will continue separately for whichever visa was selected and is not a part of the SkillSelect procedure.
Ranking and take-up of invitation
EOI’s will be ranked in accordance with the points claimed against the skilled migration points test, at the time of the EOI submission.(time of effect).
The Points Test allocates values to the core indicators such as:
- Age
- English-language ability
- Relevant work experience
- Qualifications
- Specialist qualifications
- State or territory nomination points;
- Other factors (Accredited community language, Partner points, Australian study points)
Ranking is an automated process and invitations are issued from time to time.
SkillSelect first allocates available places to Skilled – Independent visas (subclass 189) and then the remaining to Skilled Work Regional (Provisional-Family sponsored) visas (subclass 491). If all places are taken up by subclass 189 visas then there will be no invitations issued for subclass 491 visas in these occupations.
Please contact us if you require further information on these occupations.
Occupation ceilings do not apply to State or Territory Nominated, Employer Sponsored or Business Innovation and Investment visa sub-classes.
State & Territory nomination
State and Territory nomination is an alternative pathway, however applicants should consider the various state and territory restrictions or additional conditions which may be applied by states and territories in more competitive times, because they will not want to be seen as taking the ‘leftovers’.
Where applicants require state or territory nomination for the points-tested categories like the Skilled Nominated sc 190 and Skilled Work Regional sc491 visas, the process requires the applicant to lodge the EOI whilst nominating the preferred state or territory. Provisional points will be allocated upon lodgment of the EOI subject to nomination. The practice of states or territories vary (some will offer an invitation to apply for nomination (in certain occupations) whereas others allow direct application) but we recommend applicants ensure that the nominator’s criteria can be met before lodging the EOI. Upon nomination approval (regardless of the approval process) points will be confirmed and invitations will be issued. by DHA State and Territory nomination links:
See: State and Territory Migration plan lists on the Skilled Nominated (sc190 ) visa and the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (sc491) visa pages.
Pearson Academic PTE
Pearson PTE Academic has announced that testing in Australia has resumed with test centres now offering exams in all capital cities and several regional locations.
In addition, testing has also resumed in a number of key global locations including China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and New Zealand.
More about the availability of testing by country is available here.
New look PTE Score Report for Test Takers
On the 19 May 2020 the format of the PTE Academic Score Report changed.
The information contained in the PTE Academic score report remains the same, however it now appears in a clearer format and is aligned to the view of score report available in the Score Reporting website.
Government, professional bodies and institutions are aware of this change and have been reminded to use the Score Report Code as the unique identifier to verify scores online.
More about the Score Report changes is available here.
My PTE Launch
PTE has also announced the launch of My PTE, a single environment for test-takers to discover, book, prepare, manage and track their PTE testing and learning experience.
The improved account functionality includes a mobile optimised experience, enhanced test availability and seat search capabilities, access to all test and prep resources in one place with single sign on, upgraded multiple parental consent options and more.
It is essential if preparing your own EOI, that any /all information inputted on-line is accurate and can be verified at that time because if an invitation is issued, the points will be frozen in time. All points claimed must be proved. If you are unable to do so, then this will render your visa application invalid.
If invited by DHA to apply, the applicant will have 60 days in which to lodge the visa application. If a visa application is not lodged within this time-frame, the invitation will become null and void. The EOI will remain in the database and the applicant may be eligible for selection in the next or subsequent invitation round.
Please note:
It is important to note the the EOI is not a visa application so lodgment will not result in a bridging visa. Applicants must have an existing visa to apply for an EOI, but in a helpful departure, bridging visas A, B and C holders will be able to lodge an EOI. Applicants must understand that SkillSelect is different to the processing of applications in order of receipt subject to processing priorities.
An invitation to apply will depend upon ranked score and occupation ceilings, so there is no guarantee that an invitation will be made if a score is too low (but still be 60 or above) in a popular occupation.
Next steps:
If you don’t feel confident registering your EOI personally and wish to appoint us to ensure the best result and continuity if you are offered an invitation – with the capacity to lodge a visa application within 60 days – then please go to our Contact page and request our assistance.
For further information on these issues or Skilled Independent, Skilled Nominated or Skilled Regional visas please click on the links.