Extension of 6 month work rights for WHV holders – Au pairs and others

Subclass 417 Working Holiday Visas attract condition 8547 limiting work for any one employer to 6 months.  Exemptions can be gained from this time limit for au pairs and in other limited exceptional circumstances.

Au pairs

Au pairs who can demonstrate they have worked for a family with young children for 6 months, can be approved for a further 6 months employment (total 12 months).

Other exceptional circumstances

  • While the WHV holder is waiting for the decision on a visa that can be granted onshore for example Subclasses 457, 820, 402, 186 and 187
  • While the WHV holder is receiving workers compensation as a result of a workplace injury
  • While undertaking disaster recovery work following a declared major disaster
  • In circumstances where the workplace has been affected by a major disaster and the VH was unable to attend work due to the disaster

Applications for extensions can be made in writing on Form 1445 and email to eVisa WHM Helpdesk or faxed to 03 6281 9553.

More detailed information is available in PAM3 under Condition 8547 policy.